Friday, December 4, 2009

We are VANKERS!!~~, two

VANKERS know the Koean weather and climate. Would you like Learn the incredible Korean climate? Try! ~~
  1. 권다빈: "In Korea there is in winter a 4 season summer, autumn in spring.... SeupNiDa. Favorite food is kimchi and roast spout Korean people.A kimchi is hot food, but it is health.... E is good, and a foreigner likes, and a roast is large food being delicious.. As use for English to Australia to Korea...."
  2. 김남이: "First Korea has long history. So there are many cultural assets. And there are many palace where King lived. Korea has 4 seasons. spring,summer,fall,winter. Each season has a unique attraction." 
  3. 이수인: "Korea is only one country which is divided in the world. We are very kind and friendly to others. We have beautiful 4 seasons which are spring, summer, winter and fall."
  4. 김희경: "Korea is country with long history, many fantastic heritage, culture, tradition and pride. It is the best country one could live, where everyone has strong respect and manners towards eachother. Korea has 4 seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter."
  5. 이영동: "Korea has four distinct seasons. Spring and autumn are rather short, summer is hot and humid, and winter is cold and dry with abundant snowfall."
  6. 김수진: "There are four seasons in our country namely, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Spring lasts from March till May, summer lasts from June till August, autumn lasts from September till November and winter lasts from December till February. We have a distinct change between each season in Korea."
  7. 이혜정: "Korea has 4 different seasons and you can rarly find the country which has 4 seasons. But, recently by the affection from air pollution, Korea's 4 seasons lost it's balance. If you want to know more about the Korea, send e-mail to me."
  8. 김진영: "our country have four seasons. spring, summer, autumn, winter.. individually, l like autumn. 'cause, it is so beautiful..the hills are ablaze with autumnal tints. it likes heaven.. and it is good time for reading. we say autumn is the season of "high sky and plump horses""
  9. 유은현: "There are many things to talk about Korea. First of all, Korea has beautiful sceneries. It has four seasons, so you can enjoy various beauties of nature."
  10. 한정수: "But, korean people have amazing mental power. Korea has lots of cutural assets and Korean alphabet, and beautiful cultures. In Korea, we have four seasons. In Spring, beautiful flowers bloom everywhere, In summer, we can see lots of tall trees, In fall, a maple tree's color is fantastic. And in winter, we can see view of snow."


Anonymous said...

I thought you were just making this shit up, but clicking on the names brought me to the message boards and these people really are writing this crap. Unbelievable. Do Koreans really believe that this tiny little country is the only country in the world with 4 seasons? what about the three much bigger countries to the north, east and west of Korea? What a bunch of idiots.

The Sanity Inspector said...

Well, the seasons are more distinct in Korea than in Atlanta, where I'm from. Here, spring is the nicest three weeks of the year.

Brian said...

Frankly speaking Pittsburgh season is more four more distinct. Why don't you try visit Pittsburgh when you have a time?

Rodney from Pilsen said...

My Chicago hometown only has the 3 seasons. :-( Winter, summer and the building. ㅋㅋㅋ If visit the Chicago you will not get the disappoint!

A Deal Or No Deal said...

The comments above this post are pretty funny, but come on, how would American high school students describe America in Korean (or English for that matter)?

"America is a most free country in the world. Here we have is the American Dream, where even a 깜둥이 is become a president of the United States."

Or, for that matter, listen to American politicians talk.

A Deal Or No Deal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rodney from Pilsen said...


How's that Anti-American gangbang you call the "Songai Consortium" going?

A Deal Or No Deal said...

It's an anti-American gangbang? Since when? Is this about the gayagum?

I think it's going well, we could probably use more writers though. Are you interested? Get in touch with Kushibo if you're interested. Thanks for asking! :)

José María Areta said...

The funny thing is that this is not the way some highschoolers describe their country: it's the lack of personal opinions what shock me (somehow). The four seasons motto (and some other slogans) are use by primary schoolers, highschoolers, university students, office workers, housewives,the elderly, cats, dogs about to be slaugher, statues, palaces...

Ajay said...

As long as the kids write and say, it's ok. But if they live under the notion that "their country is the only one to ..." throughout their lives, that ain't good.

Tourist~IsTheGlobal said...

holy balls, Korea has not two not three but FOUR SEASONS??? I simply must allocate all of my ddisposable income to visiting such a marvelous, unique place!

Marilyn said...

We don't even have NAMES for that many seasons! Jesus H. Christ!